This article was imported from freenode's wordpress blog, and is likely out of date. It's preserved here in the interest of history, but please don't treat it as an authoritative source in any context. Links on this page may be out of date and broken.

freenode has reached 40 000 users

seanw on 2007-08-28

Today at around 18:45 UTC freenode hit a total number of connections of fourty thousand, which is a new network record. Over the past few months our usercount has been steadily growing and we are really pleased that more people are finding freenode a useful resource. If you want to see how many users are connected at any one time, type the IRC command /lusers

[18:45:52] [freenode] -!- WALLOP Md: FYI, freenode has just broken the record of 40000 connected users. let's join the party in #defocus