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New extban: $j

Pricey on 2014-06-18

We have loaded a new module on the network which provides the $j extban type:

$j:<chan> - matches users who are or are not banned from a specified channel

As an example...

/mode #here +b $j:#timbuktu

...would ban users from #here that are banned (+b) in #timbuktu.

Please note that there are a couple of gotchas:

  • Only matching +b list entries are checked. Quiets (+q) Exemptions (+e) & invexes (+I) are NOT then considered. As such, the following mode change would not alter the behaviour of the first example:

    /mode #timbuktu +e *!*@*

  • Quiets and the quieting effect of bans may not immediately take effect on #here when #timbuktu's ban list changes due to caching by the ircd.

  • $j isn't recursive. Any $j extbans set in #timbuktu are ignored when matching in #here.

We imagine you'll have some more useful use cases than the above.

Thanks for flying freenode!