This article was imported from freenode's wordpress blog, and is likely out of date. It's preserved here in the interest of history, but please don't treat it as an authoritative source in any context. Links on this page may be out of date and broken.


JonathanD on 2009-04-03

When most people think of geeks, they think of pasty white people who never leave their basement. Well, we are aiming to change that... by getting you outside and making you a little less pasty white.

To this end, we're going to be encouraging and promoting a number of "geeknics"all around the globe.  What is a geeknic, you ask? Quite simply, it's a picnic for geeks! At the moment, there are two scheduled: One in Philadelphia PA, USA, on April 19th 2009, and one in Dublin Ireland, on May 9th 2009.  At both events, there will be food, fun, and geeks!

We very much look forward to seeing you at either of these events, but if either of these places and times don't work for you we would be happy to help you set up your very own local geeknic, along with possibly getting a local freenode staffer to show up. More information can be found here.  If you would like help in setting up your very own geeknic, email