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Happy 25th Birthday, GNU!

christel on 2008-09-02

To mark the 25th "birthday" of the GNU project the FSF have teamed up with a very special man; Stephen Fry.

I personally am a great fan of Mr. Fry -- he's an accomplished actor, terrific writer and a good documentary maker. I enjoy his books, I will happily set aside entire weekends for my fry-a-thons in which I am glued to the TV re-watching the entire set of "A bit of Fry & Laurie", "Jeeves & Wooster" or many of the other fantastic things he's done for British TV. And I make sure to never miss an episode of QI -- again, I probably re-watch all of them. I follow his blog, I listen to his podgram.. I have a lot of respect and admiration for this man, for his insight, his honesty, his no-nonsense approach, his incredible way with words and his hysterically funny ways.

So who better to mark the anniversary of a project for which I also have a great deal of respect -- a project which values, visions and goals are shared by the majority of our users. A project often found at the core of so many of the projects who choose to use freenode.

So without further ado -- Happy Birthday GNU!

Freedom Fry