This article was imported from freenode's wordpress blog, and is likely out of date. It's preserved here in the interest of history, but please don't treat it as an authoritative source in any context. Links on this page may be out of date and broken.

[Scheduled Maintenance] IRCD upgrade.

christel on 2006-12-22

In order to upgrade our ircd code to fix various bugs and security issues, it has become necessary to restart a large portion of freenode network.

This morning, between 6:00 and 7:00AM UTC, we will be restarting numerous servers, including our network hubs. Approximately 35% of the network will be disconnected and the rest will notice significant fragmentation. We have planned the upgrades well in advance and with hope, the affected servers will only be down for a few minutes, at which point the network will return to normal operation.

We have already sent notices to users on the affected servers (i.e., those that will shunt clients). A list is also below. You may find which server you're on by a WHOIS command on yourself (i.e., /whois nick)









Additionally, servers used for tor connections will shunt users.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for using freenode. Further questions can be directed to